I cannot tell you how many times we have worked with organizations on Strategic Planning where they want to spend a good portion of the time on Vision and Mission. If you are a start-up, yes, you need a vision and mission. After that, a quick review and confirmation of your mission and vision is important, but what is most important are the key priorities your organization wants to see over a period of time (one year, three-year, five year). This is where the meat is. This is what will move your organization forward. If you are publicly funded organization, this step should include your public stakeholders. Even private companies should engage with their staff, directors, and shareholders on this stage.

Setting out Key Priorities will drive your organization forward…if you “work” them. Key Priorities should set the direction, then your teams should build out tactical plans on how they are going to achieve those priorities. These tactics should flow directly into personal performance objectives. If you do not know how your personal performance objectives tie to the strategic plan, that is a problem. It does not matter if your job in the organization is mowing the lawn. If one of the Key Priorities is environmental sustainability, you need to build in recycling of the clippings rather than bagging and sending to the dump. You need to understand a zero-fuel spillage goal, and an equipment maintenance strategy that minimizes environmental impacts. By including and ensuring ALL your staff understand how their role directly supports the strategy of the organization, you will build a more engaged and motivated staff.

Tactical plans also support budgets presented to management. If the management team is not looking at how the budget directly supports the strategic priorities of the organization, then the budget process is broken. When we do organizational reviews which often include budget reviews, we do so in direct alignment to the organization’s strategic priorities. When things do not align, they become easy targets to be cut, because they do not service the overall direction of the organization.

In summary, ensure you spend more time on developing Key Priorities that will serve your mission and vision and even more time ensuring your teams build out tactical plans that serve to achieve the Key Priorities. Ensure tactics align to personal performance objectives and budgets.

Transitional Solutions is always happy to help facilitate your Strategic Planning process in person or digitally! Contact us today.